• Retinal Diseases

    Retinal Diseases – Congenital – Hereditary – AMD (age-dependent macular degeneration) – Inflammatory diseases, – Vascular, – Systemic diseases dependent disorders (hypertension, diabetes, collageneous, etc.) – Macular diseases (involving in visual cortex) – Retinal toxicity (medication-dependent retinal damage) – Tumors, retinal degeneration, retinal detachment What are the Diagnosis and Test Methods? Subjective Anamnesis, visual acuity,

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  • Glaucoma

    What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma, which is known as high eye pressure colloquially, is a common eye disease affecting millions of people. It may cause sight impairment if not treated. In glaucoma, the fluid pressure inside the eye is high at a level to give harm to the visual nerve which is essential for eyesight. Frequently

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  • Cataract Unit and Phako Operation

    What is a Cataract? A cataract is the opacification of the lens, which is one of the refractive ambients in the human eye and focuses the rays entering the eye on the vision point, losing its transparency and having the appearance of mat glass. What are the Causes of Cataract? A cataract generally depends on

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  • Refractive Surgery and Excimer Laser

    Refractive Errors To see the objects clearly, rays of light pass through the eye and focus on the retina, which constitutes the back wall of the eye. The lens inside the eye is responsible for refracting the rays of light to ensure the best focus. Retina receives the vision formed by the rays of light

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